Here Tomorrow, Gone Today


by Sage David Clemmons


and little brother calling

every night from different phones

he knows the floor’s not lava

but it’s hot and it hurts and

something’s wrong 

when he goes outside.

still, the tip of my tongue

over and over, worries 

red in the space where

it used to be. and all 

the desert, the coming back, 

all the doing what we could.

and another miracle, and

speaking code at night, all

arms and elbows and knees 

again. all the scarcely real

in the bath and glowing,

all the darkroom light.


i have no help for unbelief

not even quiet

but lord, how i believed

i would always double check.

i’d never risk a canceled prayer

with even numbers, never forfeit 

wishes just to breathe in tunnels.

i would never leave my watch

with my shoes on the shore.

and the aching bright now

wading in past the middle, 

all our clothes held high 

and a thousand miles away

little brother calling please i need you

bring the strongest magnets you have


let’s lock arms, here’s all 

my jars of pennies, 

all my teeth if you think 

it can help:

may all your consequences be happy ones

may we always get there in time.

Sage David Clemmons is an artist and community health worker from Los Angeles. Further dispatches can occasionally be found at